The MV Fingal, a former lighthouse tender launched in 1963, embarked upon a new journey in January when the ship was converted into the Fingal, a five-star floating hotel. The Northern Lighthouse Board named each of the 23 cabins after a Stevenson Lighthouse, referring to towers built by Robert Louis Stevenson’s engineering family. The 576-square-foot presidential suite, for instance, is called the Skerryvore, after Scotland’s tallest lighthouse.
The Fingal is permanently berthed at the docks in the historic Port of Leith, a formerly unsavory area that was featured prominently in Trainspotting but has since become one of Edinburgh’s more polished neighborhoods. The district is home to two Michelin- starred eateries—Restaurant Martin Wishartand The Kitchin—and a cluster of bars and galleries.
Alan Pedley and Steve Flanagan of the North Carolina–based Pedley Groupdrew design inspiration from the MV Fingal’s life as a working ship in the stormy northern seas, as well as, Pedley says, “the Scottish landscapes and seascapes she encountered.” The Art Deco–influenced decor incorporates original features such as the ship wheel and portholes, in addition to fine Scottish leather.
The Lighthouse Bar showcases the best of Scotland’s larder: salmon that’s hot-smoked onboard, West Coast langoustine, North Sea sole, East Coast charcuterie, guinea fowl terrine, local cheeses, handmade oatcakes, and more.